Tim Stivers

>> Tuesday, December 16, 2008

In the late 70's or early 80's a friend came across some recordings of a comedian from Kentucky by the name of Tim Stivers. The story as given on the album cover was that he was a podiatrist from Louisville, Kentucky. He was often introduced as ( and it eventually it became his trademark) "this ole boy, Dr. Tim Stivers." His humor was "country humor," or as some might term it, "pure corn." However, I really enjoyed it and obtained taped copies of his material. I listened to them often enough that I learned most of his jokes and enjoyed sharing them with others.

I hadn't thought much about Dr. Stivers for several years but after moving here to Kentucky I decided to do an internet search and discovered that he is now retired from his practice and is fulltime as a humorist and speaker.

His brand of humor is "clean." I've told many that any of his stories could be told in church. On his website there is a short story about two fellows talking and the one asks the other which is the most important, the sun or the moon. The second fellow responds that the moon is the most important, because it gives you light when you need it most.

Doing an internet search once again I came across a newspaper article that referred to one of his yarns I remember him telling. He mentioned that we have all seen the sign boards out in front of the churches that tells who the preacher is and what the sermon is going to be about. He said one caught his attention. It said, "If you are through with sin, come on in." He thought that was kind of cute but when he got closer he saw that someone "had taken a lipstick and writ on the glass, 'If not call Shirley at 888-2323.'"

If you ever have a chance to listen to one of his recordings or hear him in person I think you will enjoy it.


Unknown February 13, 2016 at 2:55 PM  

I've been trying to find his cassettes or CD of his connect skits. Can you help me? Used to listen to this so many times as a kid.

Unknown February 13, 2016 at 2:55 PM  

I've been trying to find his cassettes or CD of his connect skits. Can you help me? Used to listen to this so many times as a kid.

Greg Seneff Sr. July 14, 2017 at 12:52 PM  

Try Amazon for used copies: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/s/ref=is_s?k=Tim+Stivers

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