Sabbath breakfast

>> Saturday, December 13, 2008

We celebrate and observe the Biblical Sabbath, the 7th day, from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. We appreciate the special day of rest. While working at a part time job in a cabinet shop while in college I found out that my boss, also a Sabbath keeper, prepared breakfast for his wife and family each Sabbath. He felt that was one way he could give his wife a break and make the day more special for her. I liked that idea and determiined to do the same for my wife when I got married. And, I have done that for the 44 plus years we have been married with very few exceptions. My breakfasts aren't always elaborate but we've never gone hungry.

Todays breakfast was a small feast, even if I did prepare it. I made buckwheat pancakes, cooked some venison backstrap and fried some eggs. I also made a fruit salad. Connie helped a bit--she whipped some good fresh cream. Those pancakes with homemade maple syrup, fruit salad and whipped cream was scrumptous.


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