Further Progress On My Workshop

>> Saturday, June 26, 2010

Although I spent some time helping Darryl, picking blackberries and doing other necessary activities I got quite a bit more accomplished on my woodworking shop this past week.  Here are a few photos.

The loft flooring is all down.  Toby is checking it out!

The two end stud walls were built and set up.

The two side stud walls have been built and erected.

Here is another view with all of the loft stud walls in place.

I got the rafters cut and put up Friday afternoon.  Hopefully, next week I can get the purlins and the roofing metal put on.  We’ll keep you updated.

I Observed Something Unusual

>> Friday, June 18, 2010




I went over on the neighboring property this morning to pick wild blackberries (they are just beginning to ripen).  I was in the middle of a patch of blackberry plants when I heard something coming through the brush and weeds from the woods to my right.  I looked up to see a coyote come running into the grass of the pasture where I was.  It was headed across to the woods on the other side of the field, off to my left.  Immediately behind the coyote, about 30-40 feet came a deer.   The coyote ran on across the field, a distance of only a few hundred feet, with the deer right behind it.  The coyote went through the fence and on into the woods, the deer jumped over the fence, and it was obvious neither saw me standing to their side, maybe 40-50 feet away.  I was amazed to see a deer quite obviously chasing a coyote.

Some time later, as I had worked my way around the field picking berries, I was startled to have a small fawn jump up from a few feet in front of me.  It ran into the woods which was only a few feet from where it had been laying.  This spot was probably only 75-100 feet from where the coyote and deer had come out of the woods.  The picture became clear to me, the mother deer was chasing the coyote which was a danger to her baby. 

Workshop Progress

>> Thursday, June 17, 2010

Here is a photo essay of the work that has been done on my woodworking shop over the last two weeks.

IMG_2332 The sills and the floor joists completed.

IMG_2342 About one half of the flooring has been put down.

IMG_2348 Here is the flooring totally installed.

IMG_2351 The back stud wall has been built and raised into place.

IMG_2356 One side and the front stud walls have been built and set into place.

IMG_2369The last stud wall in place, ceiling joists beginning to be set and the stairway to the loft area built.

IMG_2373  All of the ceiling joists are in place.

IMG_2374 Salvaged rough sawn boards formerly used as purlins being put down for the loft floor.

IMG_2382 This is a side view taken after all my tools were put away this evening.

I Have Begun Building My Woodworking Shop

>> Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Last Fall I decided that I would like to have a small woodworking shop and knew I couldn’t afford to build one without coming up with some used material.  I posted about getting an old house to tear down.  (You can read about it here.) I finally finished that aspect of the project and Darryl took his trailer up and helped me bring the last of the lumber home. 


I have a back yard stacked with boards, rocks and metal roofing.


I have decided to build the workshop on block piers rather than  a full foundation.  This last week I got the blocks set and filled them with concrete.


This picture was taken before the blocks were filled with concrete.  You can see that my back yard isn’t very level!  The building will be 14’ wide and 16’ long.  I plan to put a loft in it for storage.  In the background in this photo you can see my barn and the woodshed.

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