>> Sunday, November 30, 2008
After 3 days with a house full of people we are adjusting to quiet once again. Jeff informed everyone last night that they were leaving at 9:00 A.M. and they got on the road home right on time. He told them the "bus" was leaving and he would leave without them if they weren't ready--I rather expect that was a bluff but the whole crew managed to be ready. We did snap a few pix before they got on the road. We would have liked to have had all of the kids and grandkids here but were happy to have 3 of our 4 children and 7 of our 10 grandchildren here.
In the photo on the left is, from left to right, Darryl, Anna and Mark. In the picture on the right is, left to right in the back row Beth, Naomi (being held by Beth), Jessica, Cory, Malchiah (held by Cory). In the front row is Montana (Tana) and Ramiah.

Came here via Anna's blog. Nice to meet an older blogger. Your family sure looks like you no mistaking your kids. Welcome to the world of blogging, I have been blogging since 2006 and most of the time it is fun occasionally I have writers block but I expect everyone does. Pop over and visit me sometime.
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