
>> Saturday, November 29, 2008

We have just finished our brunch, cleaned up the kitchen and are now relaxing. Everyone was in agreement that we had quite a feast. Darryl made a huge platter of pancakes. I cooked up the venison backstrap we took from a young doe we dressed out last Sunday evening. There were approximately 50 small, thin pieces of meat and not a one was left over. I also fried approximately a couple dozen eggs, Connie made 2 and 1/2 dozen blueberry muffins and Danny made a large fruit salad. Darryl whipped some cream to put on the fruit salad or on the pancakes. Danny contributed homemade maple syrup. Those that wanted it had fresh milk to drink. There were only 6 or 7 muffins and approximately a like number of pancakes left. If we have room we will be enjoying another feast later this afternoon. Both Darryl and Connie are cooking nice venison roasts. Of course there is potatoes and sweet potatoes to go with them. I'm not sure just what all else we will have but I don't believe anyone will go away from the table hungry.


bcmomtoo December 1, 2008 at 3:55 PM  

Yum! It was all really good.

Maybe no one went away from the table hungry, but those kids of Darryl's seemed to be hungry again before much time went by. Those kids can certainly eat!

JUST A MOM December 1, 2008 at 9:04 PM  

Will you adopt me?

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