Another Project Completed

>> Wednesday, May 25, 2011

When we were getting the house ready to live in back in 2004 we bought and installed a 220 volt A/C in the corner of the kitchen.  The fellow who had started building the house had designed it to have a A/C there.  We found that we used the A/C very little, just didn’t believe it to be healthful coming out of the heat into a cold house, etc.  We had discussed taking the A/C out and building in a cabinet.  Since the area is right next to the woodburning cookstove it would be very convenient.

IMG_2887Here is a photo of the area.  We had a free standing cabinet in the very corner.  We set our trash can in the area as well as had an area for the animal’s food and water.

IMG_2888I started the project on Wednesday, May 4th by removing the A/C.  After getting everything ready, removing screws, etc. Darryl came and helped me physically remove the unit.  After putting up siding and drywall I started on a new cabinet.

IMG_2903This photo shows the basic framework done, the countertop built and installed.  The building of the doors and drawers had yet to be done.


This is the completed cabinet.  It was built to match the kitchen island I built a few weeks ago. (See my post.)  The countertop is made from oak flooring we had left over from putting down our floors.  The top was “finished” with a few coats of walnut oil.

I stood on a chair to take this picture.  You can see the countertop much better.  The small door on the right hides our trash can.  (We had to buy a bit smaller one!)  Connie has yet to figure out just what she is going to put into the cabinet.  What a problem!

Update On Connie’s Flowerbed

>> Saturday, May 21, 2011

I did a post two years ago (see here)

on the flowerbed I enclosed in landscape timbers and leveled out.  Connie has added more plants each summer and the flower bed is looking pretty nice.  Here are a few photos that I just took a few minutes ago.


A Ripe Tomato!

>> Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Never have I had a ripe tomato in early May.  But, I must admit I cheated a bit.  Late last fall I noticed that I had a volunteer tomato plant in the garden.  Just before the first frost I transplanted it into a flower pot and brought it into the house.  A few months ago the plant began to bloom and I shook the blooms and brushed them with my finger.  And, three set on .  Later there were a couple more.  A few days ago I noticed that the first one to set on was beginning to turn red.  Here are some photos that I snapped yesterday afternoon.


A Few More Projects Made on the Craftsman Router Crafter

>> Sunday, May 1, 2011

I keep playing with my Craftsman Router Crafter.  In the last couple of weeks I’ve turned out a few more items.


I made two of these candlesticks.  The basic part was turned several months ago, shortly after I got my machine.  The top was too small to allow me to drill a hole for the candle so I just let them sit.  Recently I purchased some brass candle cups and I just fastened them on the top.  I also made a base for each of them.  The effect is often called a “pineapple” pattern.  It is achieved by turning both a left and right spiral.IMG_2844
This is a close-up so you can see the effect.

IMG_2864This is a candlestick with 3 flutes and a hollow center.  I think it is kind of neat.


These two candle holders are just simple, short turned pieces of cedar with a candle cup.


This is a mug tree made from the cedar.  The “limbs” are made with shaker pegs.  They are almost too large.  I’ll have to try and find something else.

Which item do you like?

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