Stat Counter

>> Thursday, December 24, 2009

I began blogging a little over one year ago. I desired to have some kind of feedback on how many people visited my blog, where they were from, etc. Darryl had found Stat Counter which did all of these things and more. is a free invisible web tracker. I can obtain a great deal of info. Click on “” above and check it out. Click on “demo” and you will see the type of stats one receives. I personally like following the “Visitor Paths.” I know that I have several “regular” readers of my blog and know where they live. I just don’t know names. I don’t often comment on other people’s blogs and perhaps most of you are non-commenters as well, but perhaps just this once you could leave a brief note. Just say “hi” or let me know what you would like to hear about from me.


Peggy December 27, 2009 at 8:42 AM  

Hi, I enjoy keeping up with you and Darryl thru your blogs. I even wave at you guys when we drive thru Kentucky! You can write about anything, Mostly people and what you are doing is fine with me.
Love, Peggy From Hartford, Wi

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