Visit To The Nashville Zoo

>> Saturday, October 17, 2009

Darryl and Anne had taken their children to the Nashville zoo some few years ago and had wanted to go back.  On Wednesday, October 7th we all made the trip.  The zoo may not have as many animals as some but the exhibit areas seem to be more spacious, allowing the animals more space in which to move around.  Here are a few pictures taken during our visit.

Oct. 7 034 We stood and watched for quite awhile as this elephant played with the log.

Oct. 7 041Naomi was quite insistent that we go and see the giraffes.  We all enjoyed watching these long necked animals.

Oct. 7 052  The children were able to go through a tunnel and look into the meerkat enclosure.  Below is a photo of one of the little critters.

Oct. 7 051 We also enjoyed viewing the exhibits of fish, snakes, etc.  Here is one photo taken in that area.

Oct. 7 011 All in all it was a very good day!  There were some things we missed seeing so we will have to go back another time.


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