>> Wednesday, April 18, 2012

In the late 1990’s we lived in a mobile home park in Bloomington, Illinois.  One of our neighbors in the park was quite an accomplished wood carver.  He offered to teach some of us how to carve.  So, for several weeks a few of us would go down once a week to his garage workshop and work on small carving projects.  One of the projects we did was an old hound dog.  The pattern for this dog was in one of my woodworking magazines.

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The photo is rather dark but you can get the idea.  He is about 4-1/2 inches tall.  A few weeks ago we kept the grandchildren who live here on the farm while my son and his wife were away for a week.  Somehow the subject of wood carving came up and the boys were ready to try their hand.  We found some old knives that could be used and then it was to the magazines we turned to find some patterns.  I found my copy of the magazine that contained the plan I had used back in the ‘90’s.  Included was a companion dog to the one I had carved.

So, one of the grandsons and I decided to carve this dog.  I don’t have a pix of the grandson’s finished carving but he did a good job.  Here is a photo of my dog.


He is a bit shorter, only about 2-3/4” tall.  The original dog from the ‘90’s was carved from bass wood.  The 2012 dog is carved from tulip poplar from here on the farm.  Both were finished with water based poster paints.

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