A Bit More Siding Has Been Put On

>> Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I haven’t been able to work many days on my workshop in the last 2-3 weeks due to a number of other activities but I have managed to get a bit more of the siding put on.

Here are some more photos showing the progress that has been made.


Just a small amount more and the 3rd side will be done.  I have one small problem—I’m running out of weatherboard so the 4th side will have to be sided with metal roofing material.  It should work just fine.

More Workshop Photos

>> Thursday, July 8, 2010

There have been a number of interruptions the past two weeks but I have continued to make progress on my woodworking shop. Here are a few photos.

The purlins have been put on as well as the facia boards.

A start has been made putting the roofing metal on.

One side of building has metal roofing completely installed.

The other side of the building has most of the metal roofing on.

The roofing metal is all on, the ridge cap has been installed, and the windows have been put in. The windows are from an old mobile home that was being torn down.

The double doors have been hung and a start has been made on putting on the weatherboard siding.

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