New Kids on the Farm

>> Friday, March 27, 2009

As I stated in an earlier post, one knows spring has arrived when the baby goats begin arriving.  Our three goats all had their babies this month.  The first to kid was our young goat, Zoe, a first freshener.  She had twins, however, the first one was stillborn and for some reason the “mothering instinct” just never kicked in and Zoe would not accept the second baby.  We were able to hold it up to nurse several times and then gave it to a lady who wished to raise it on the bottle.

Our “old” goat, Annie, also had twins and they were by far the largest ones born.  We were happy she had only two as 3 years ago she had quads.  She managed to raise them all with a bit of help from us and some goat milk replacer.  The last to kid was Brownie and she also presented us with twins.  Her previous 2 kiddings she had had only a single baby.

All 4 of the remaining babies are doing great.  Yesterday Darryl and I disbudded all 4 and “banded” the 2 little males.  The banding does make the little kids quite uncomfortable for a few hours but they are up and bouncing around today and you would never know they had gone through such and experience.

Here are a few photos of some of the new kids.  Just like a lot of other kids it is hard to get them to hold still long enough to get a good picture.

Mar              17th 002 Mar                 20th 018  

Mar                 20th 019 Mar                 20th 024


bcmomtoo April 1, 2009 at 6:14 AM  

They are adorable! You will need to get some video of them bouncing around.

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